The Water Chiller Training Unit 812 is a fully operational, water chiller, which enables the student to adjust and investigate a typical water cooler operating under load, either with or without evaporator pressure regulation. The cooling of pure water requires that the evaporator surface temperature does not fall below 0°C or the system will freeze and may result in damage. This unit allows students to safely explore the parameters affecting evaporating pressure without danger to the operator or equipment.
The unit is mounted on a steel frame with stainless steel panels and comprises an hermetic compressor with water cooled condenser, liquid receiver, water cooling evaporator with adjustable pressure regulator. A pump circulates the cooled water at an adjustable flow rate through a tank with individually switched heaters that load the refrigeration system.
Instrumentation includes condenser and suction pressure gauges, evaporator pressure (service gauge), digital temperature indicator with multi-way selector switch, evaporator and condenser flow rate measurement, optional refrigerant flow meter and optional computerised data acquisition system for all parameters including compressor current. All the controls and the high and low-pressure switches are adjustable by the student to enable advanced studies in the control of vapour compression refrigeration equipment.