The Film and Dropwise Condensation Module H102K is used with the H102 Heat Exchanger Service Unit which supplies both electrical power and instrumentation for the module via a control console that is supplied with the H102K module.
A vertical, thick walled glass cylinder steam chamber is fitted with plated brass cover plates. The lower plate carries an electric heating element which converts water to steam at a rate which is determined by the electrical power input. This steam flows upwards to the Dropwise and Filmwise condensers where it is condensed by transferring heat to the cooling water, and the condensate returns to the lower end of the vessel for re-evaporation.
Three steam baffles are fitted in the chamber to reduce the amount of splashing which results from the vigorous boiling. A thermocouple is located in the base of the chamber to record both the steam and saturated water temperature. The chamber pressure is limited by two methods for operator safety.