The Laws of Radiant Heat Transfer and Radiant Heat Exchange allows the basic laws of heat transfer by radiation (both heat and light) to be investigated.
Two appropriate detectors, light filters, target plates of different Emissivity and aperture plates each mount on suitable carriages on a parallel graduated track, and allow simple and rapid experimental procedures.
The electrically heated matt black radiant heat source is fitted with an integral thermocouple to record its surface temperature. A radiometer detects the heat flux directly in W/m2 from either the source, a combination of four plates of different Emissivity (two matt black, one grey and one polished) or between a slot formed by two moveable cork faced plates. Each plate of different Emissivity incorporates a surface thermocouple for temperature measurement.
The diffuse light source comprises a low voltage filament lamp within a rotatable enclosure (180º) that can be located on the parallel track in place of the heat source. A lightmeter recording directly in lux may be located in place of the radiometer in order to measure incident intensity. Supplied filter plates of varying opacity and thickness can also be mounted on the track to demonstrate the laws of light absorption. All six thermocouples plug directly into the Heat Transfer Service Unit H112. The radiometer and light meter plug into an auxiliary console that is integral with the H112C demonstrator.
Both the heat source and light source intensity are controlled through the variable 240v ac supply from the Heat Transfer Service Unit H112.