A sturdy bench top mounted unit for studying the affect of creep on different material test specimens. Necked test specimens are held vertically in position on special clamps, which do not induce bending during loading. A lever arm transmits the load from a Load hanger and weights into the specimen and the lever arm has a counter balance weight to ensure the lever arm self weight is calibrated out.
Surrounding the test specimen is a transparent specimen guard. Its primary function is to allow the surrounding specimen temperature to be adjusted hot or cold. The temperature can be read using the thermometer supplied and the temperature controlled using a special thermal pack. The specimen cover also allows easy viewing of the specimen during creep. A dial gauge measures the extension of the specimen during testing. Specimens in polypropylene are supplied as standard. Specimens in nylon and PVC are also available as optional sets.
A full technical Instruction manual is supplied, which details full unit operation, experimental technique, example results and relevant theory.