The Optional Computerised Data Acquisition Upgrade consists of a 21 channel Hilton Data logger, together with pre-configured, ready to use, educational software. Factory fitted coupling points on the A660 allow installation of the upgrade to the unit at any time in the machine’s extensive life.
The Hilton Data logger connects, using the cable supplied, to a standard USB port on the user-supplied PC. If more than one logger is required connection is via a second USB port or standard USB hub.
The combined educational software and hardware package allows immediate computer monitoring and display of all relevant parameters on the A660. The pre-configured menu driven Software supplied with the Computer Upgrade allows all recommended experiments involving the electronic transducers and instruments on the A660 to be carried out with the aid of computerised data acquisition, data storage and on-screen data presentation. This enhances student interest and speeds comprehension of the principles being demonstrated.
Students are presented with either raw data for later hand calculation or alternatively data may be transferred to most spreadsheets for computerised calculation and graphical presentation. Data may be stored on disc and displayed at any time using the software supplied. Alternatively data may be transferred to any compatible spreadsheet together with individual time and date stamp on each reading for complex analysis.